:: Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2022) ::
MEO 2022, 10(4): 141-165 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of the role of teachers performance appraisal in school effectiveness with mediating role of job enthusiasm, justice perception and organizational trust
Rahime Pourheydar , Maryam Samery * , Mohammad Hassani , Niloofar Mortazanejad
Urmia Branch,Islamic Azad University
Abstract:   (1905 Views)
رThe purpose of this study  was  to analyse the role of  teachers  performance  appraisal  in  school  effectiveness  with  mediating  role of  job enthusiasm, justice  perception and organizational  trust.
. This  research  was  an  applied  research in terms of the  aim and  it was descriptive  correlational  of causal type  research in terms  of  method The statistical population were all senior high-school teachers) 831) in Urmia city among them 306 teachers were selected as research sample utilizing Morgan table and  proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Tools of this research included researcher-made questionnaire for appraisal the performance of teachers, an abridged questionnaire of school  effectiveness (Baldwin,1995) standard questionnaire of justice perception (kolcoit, 2001), job enthusiasm (salanova, Schaufeli,2003) , trust (Skut, Rader,2003), and. The  content  and  construct validity and reliability of instruments were tested and confirmed by using experts opinion, confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha test.Path analysis method  was used to  test  the model. SPSS 25  and LISREL 9/2 were   two statistical soft-wares to serve the purpose of data analysis. Findings illustrated that there was not significant relationship between school effectiveness and  teacher performance appraisal. Significant  relationship between  justice perception and teacher performance appraisal was  not  confirmed. Also the mediating  role of job enthusiasm and  trust in  relationships of  school effectiveness and  teacher performance appraisal were confirmed. In order  for schools  to be effective  it is necessary  to increase teachers’ enthusiasm by  accurately  evaluating their performance and allocating rewards, and to create  an atmosphere  of trust in the schoolThe purpose of this study  was  to analyse the role of  teachers  performance  appraisal  in  school  effectiveness  with  mediating  role of  job enthusiasm, justice  perception and organizational  trust.
. This  research  was  an  applied  research in terms of the  aim and  it was descriptive  correlational  of causal type  research in terms  of  method The statistical population were all senior high-school teachers) 831) in Urmia city among them 306 teachers were selected as research sample utilizing Morgan table and  proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Tools of this research included researcher-made questionnaire for appraisal the performance of teachers, an abridged questionnaire of school  effectiveness (Baldwin,1995) standard questionnaire of justice perception (kolcoit, 2001), job enthusiasm (salanova, Schaufeli,2003) , trust (Skut, Rader,2003), and. The  content  and  construct validity and reliability of instruments were tested and confirmed by using experts opinion, confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha test.Path analysis method  was used to  test  the model. SPSS 25  and LISREL 9/2 were   two statistical soft-wares to serve the purpose of data analysis. Findings illustrated that there was not significant relationship between school effectiveness and  teacher performance appraisal. Significant  relationship between  justice perception and teacher performance appraisal was  not  confirmed. Also the mediating  role of job enthusiasm and  trust in  relationships of  school effectiveness and  teacher performance appraisal were confirmed. In order  for schools  to be effective  it is necessary  to increase teachers’ enthusiasm by  accurately  evaluating their performance and allocating rewards, and to create  an atmosphere  of trust in the school
Keywords: Teacher performance appraisal, school effectiveness, organizational trust, organizational justice perception, job enthusiasm
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: managing education in education
Received: 2021/08/12 | Accepted: 2021/11/19 | Published: 2022/01/30
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