Providing Model Professional Competencies of Industrial Educators in the Technical Schools
Abstract: (2764 Views) |
This study aimed to provide model for professional competencies of industrial educators in the technical schools. The research method was developmental and functional and the method of data collection was sequential mixed. In qualitative section used phenomenological method and in quantitative approach researchers used survey method based on PLS and structural equation modeling. Participants in the study included manager and employees department of the technical and vocational education and industrial educators in the technical and vocational schools of Zanjan in the academic year 2018-19. Using purposeful sampling method in qualitative section and in quantitative section was 164 people based on stratified random sampling. 23 people were selected as key informants. The data were collected through a and semi-structured interview and in quantitative was questionnaire based on item of qualitative section methods including peer debriefing, rich description, member check and questionnaire through Cronbach's alpha (0.76) used to obtain validity and reliability of data. In qualitative coding, 43 sub categories and 13 main categories in 4 dimensions were obtained. Knowledge dimension with 12 subcategory and 3 main category awareness of work market, technical and vocational knowledge of industry, educational knowledge, skill dimension with 10 subcategory and 4 main category information and industry technology, coaching and mentoring, safety health and workplace engineering, learning environment management, ability dimension with 12 subcategory and 3 main category perceptual and mind ability, effective interpersonal communication, constructive interaction and participation with the external environment, Attitude dimension with 10 subcategory and 3 main category self-development approach, optimism for training skill, entrepreneurial attitude and product-centric have been identified. In the quantitative section were approved using factor loading and extraction mean variance and high convergence validity (0.4), Cronbach's alpha coefficient and high blended reliability (0.7), high z high coefficients (1.96), coefficient of determination (R2) and goodness of fit (GoF= 0.55).
Keywords: : Professional Competencies, Educators, Technical Schools, Industry |
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Type of Study: Research |
managing education in other organizations Received: 2019/10/9 | Accepted: 2020/02/4 | Published: 2020/02/24
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