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:: Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2022) ::
MEO 2022, 11(1): 69-98 Back to browse issues page
The Role of Team leadership in Team Performance Mediated by Team learning (Case Study: Teams of Secondary School Teachers in Kurdistan Province)
Jamal Abdolmaleki * , Siroos Ghanbari
Ph.D. Student, Bu-Ali Sina University
Abstract:   (3118 Views)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of team leadership on team performance mediated by team learning. The study population was all secondary school teachers in Kurdistan province, from which a sample of 346 teachers was selected by proportional stratified random sampling method based on Cochran's formula. Quantitative research method is correlation studies and covariance-based structural equation modeling approach. To collect data from team leadership questionnaires; Team learning and team performance were used. The reliability and validity of the questionnaires were evaluated by Cronbach's alpha techniques and confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability values of the questionnaires were team leadership (0.88); Team learning (0.85) and team performance (0.90) were reported. Structural equation modeling using lisrel 10.30 software was used to analyze the data.The results showed that team leadership and team learning have a positive effect on teachers' team performance at the level of 0.05; Team leadership through team learning has a positive effect on teachers' team performance at the level of 0.05; Also, team leadership and team learning are able to explain 38% of the variance of teachers' team performance.
Keywords: Team Leadership, Team Learning, Team Performance, Teacher Teams.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: managing education in education
Received: 2021/04/11 | Accepted: 2022/02/12 | Published: 2022/04/4
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Abdolmaleki J, ghanbari S. The Role of Team leadership in Team Performance Mediated by Team learning (Case Study: Teams of Secondary School Teachers in Kurdistan Province). MEO 2022; 11 (1) :69-98
URL: http://journalieaa.ir/article-1-252-en.html

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