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:: Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2021) ::
MEO 2021, 10(1): 109-123 Back to browse issues page
Identifying and ranking the dimensions and components of perfectionism and their effect on the performance of education managers in Mazandaran province
Parvin Asadpour , Neda Esmaili * , Ali Golafshani
Islamic Azad University, GhaemshahrBranch, Iran
Abstract:   (3062 Views)
The general purpose of the present study was to identify and rank the dimensions and components of perfectionism and their effect on the performance of the education managers of Mazandaran province. This applied research adopted a descriptive approach as its methodology. The statistical population consisted of all directors, deputies, and heads of education departments and directors and deputies of schools in Mazandaran province summing up to 2,653 of whom 338 people were randomly selected using cluster-class random sampling based on the Cochran formula. The data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire on perfectionism with 60 questions and Patersonchr('39')s Performance Questionnaire with 15 questions. The face and content validity of the tools was confirmed by the experts. And their reliabilities were calculated using Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient of 0.78 and 0.83. The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and Regression tests using SPSS20. The results showed that perfectionism had facilitative and debilitative dimensions. The facilitative dimension had four components of purposefulness, striving for excellence, desire for order, and positive personal criteria. And the debilitative dimension had five-components of approval, concern over mistakes, rumination, questioning the actions of individual benchmarks negative. Among the dimensions of perfectionism, the facilitative dimension with the factor of 0.955 had the maximum effect. And then, the debilitative dimension with a factor loading of 0.926 had the least impact. Also, facilitative perfectionism had a positive and significant effect on managerschr('39') performance, and debilitative perfectionism had a negative and significant effect on managerschr('39') performance.
Keywords: Perfectionism, Performance, Managers, Education
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: managing education in education
Received: 2020/11/7 | Accepted: 2021/02/23 | Published: 2021/04/30
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Asadpour P, Esmaili N, Golafshani A. Identifying and ranking the dimensions and components of perfectionism and their effect on the performance of education managers in Mazandaran province. MEO 2021; 10 (1) :109-123
URL: http://journalieaa.ir/article-1-186-en.html

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