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Presenting a conceptual model for identifying effective factors in students' talent identification (Meta Synthesis Approach)
Parinaz Rahmani Barouji , Mitra Ezati * , Javad Pourkarimi , Ali Akbar Arjmandnia
Department of Educational Administration and Planning, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran
Abstract:   (158 Views)
Today, intellectual capital and talent are among the strategic resources for the success of organizations. The correct identification of talents from the very early years of people's lives, especially in the education system, makes people make correct and reasonable decisions in their academic and work life. Therefore, in order to fulfill the purpose of the article, the researches that have been conducted in the field of identifying talents of students have been searched and reviewed, and the seven-step method of Sandelowski and Barroso has been used in the mentioned path. In this regard, by using the keywords related to the factord affected the talent identification of students, a search was made in internal databases in the period of 1385-1402 and foreign databases in the period of 2008-2023 and (380) primary sources were found. By screening the initial sources, (33) final sources were achieved. By examining the final selected sources, at first, a number of (497) primary concepts were extracted from the studied articles, and after several sessions of reviewing the primary concepts and categorizing them, finally, (26) primary themes were obtained. Then with the process Secondary coding, the factors affected  identifying the talents of students were finally summarized in the form of (8) secondary themes. Kappa coefficient was used to calculate the reliability of meta synthesis analysis, which was calculated using SPSS software to be 0.01 and the index value was 0.813, which indicates good and appropriate reliability. Also, to check the validity of the research, the results were provided to five experts and commentators of qualitative research, who confirmed the qualitative results after reviewing the study process.The main themes obtained are: Family, Teacher, Individual factors, School System, Country's Education System, Society and Country Conditions, Information and Digital Technology, Processes of International Arenas.
Keywords: Talent, Effective Factors in Talent Identification, Students, Meta Synthesis
Type of Study: Research | Subject: managing education in education
Received: 2024/05/12 | Accepted: 2024/06/22
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