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:: Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2022) ::
MEO 2022, 10(4): 95-116 Back to browse issues page
The Study the Role of Hidden curriculum in students moral intelligence reinforcement
Farzad Arab Baferani , Hadi Mosadegh * , Mohsen Rafiee
University of Qom
Abstract:   (2113 Views)
The objective of research was to determine the relationship between hidden curriculum with moral intelligence in high school students. This research, according to objective was an applied research and according to approach was quantitative; according to method of gathering data was a survey research and from the aspect of analysis was correlational, based on structural equations modeling. The statistical population was students in junior and senior high school in district 3 of Qom (20918 persons), The sample volume was 384 persons according to Morgan table who were chosen by random sampling and at last 379 right questionnaires were analyzed. For gathering data, two standard questionnaires about moral intelligence and hidden curriculum were used with Cronbach alpha stability of 0.83 and 0.91. For data analyzing, Pearson correlational inferential tests, structural equations model and regression were used. Findings showed that moral intelligence and hidden curriculum components have necessary component reliability and in structural relations, there is a positive and meaningful relationship of 0.51. The study of regression weights showed that among the components of the hidden curriculum, the component of "encouragement and punishment mechanism" with a regression weight of 0.38, "school relationships" with a regression weight of 0.61 and "information and communication technology" with a regression weight 0.45 had the most role in explaining moral intelligence, respectively. According to the research findings and the positive relationship between hidden curriculum and moral intelligence, it is suggested that curriculum planners, administrators and teachers should not be unaware of the capacity of the hidden curriculum to strengthen students' moral intelligence.
Keywords: hidden curriculum, moral intelligence, high school students, Qom city.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: managing education in education
Received: 2021/03/5 | Accepted: 2021/10/25 | Published: 2022/01/30
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Arab Baferani F, Mosadegh H, Rafiee M. The Study the Role of Hidden curriculum in students moral intelligence reinforcement. MEO 2022; 10 (4) :95-116
URL: http://journalieaa.ir/article-1-234-en.html

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