PhD student in educational management, Department of Educational sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
Abstract: (1534 Views)
The mission of Farhangian University is to train committed and specialized human resources for the department of education. Therefore, the teacher and the quality of his training in the campuses of Farhangian University will be one of the most important elements of inequality in the country's educational system if campuses at the FarhangianUniversity are in an unequal situation. Then, the products of the university, teachers, would be educated unequally.The current research is conducted through descriptive-analytic method with the aim of evaluating and ranking the inequality situation of campuses in the Farhangianuniversities on all over the country (63 colleges) in terms of having educational indicators. Topsis models, entropy and dispersion coefficient for ranking and using regression analysis method and SPSS software used to analyze the data.The results showed that from 63 campuses of the FarhangianUniversity, the campuses of Shahid Chamran of Tehran and Allameh Amini of Azarbaijan in the category of preponderant campuses, six campuses as semi- preponderant and 55 campuses as deprived campuses in terms of educational indicators have taken. The dispersion coefficient showed that the highest level of inequality is in the process indexes and the least inequality in the output indicators. The results of regression analysis showed that the input and process indices in total account for 99% of variance of dependent variable.
AllahVerdi F, hasani M, Ghalavandi H, Mousavi M. Assessing the inequalities ranking of campuses at the Farhangian University in terms of educational indicators using the TOPSIS Multi-Attribute Model.. MEO 2022; 11 (4) : 1 URL: