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:: Volume 11, Issue 2 (6-2022) ::
MEO 2022, 11(2): 109-133 Back to browse issues page
Providing Competency Model of University Graduates for employment in the third millennium
Manouchehr Karimi * , Seyedaliakbar Ahmadi
Payame Noor University, Tehran
Abstract:   (1617 Views)
The present study aimed to provide a model of university graduates' eligibility for employment in the third millennium. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of implementation method. In order to identify the competence of university graduates, the opinions of university professors, educational and executive experts were used. In this research using inductive content analysis; By identifying 390 concept codes, coding and classifying them in three steps, finally 71 main criteria having 15 components and 3 dimensions, these indicators were explained and adjusted using a three-stage Delphi technique among 34 scientific and executive experts. A questionnaire was extracted from the results and distributed among the managers and university experts of Tabriz and 108 analyzable questionnaires were obtained. Confirmation of validity and reliability of the questionnaire and the final research model were assessed through the confirmatory factor analysis and redundancy tests. The goodness-of-fit criterion for the final model was 0.694, which is a good value. The final model of university graduates' competencies was presented at three levels: individual, group and organizational, including components of economic competencies, social competencies, technological competencies, political competencies and cultural competencies. The results of this study, while emphasizing the development of individual skills training, prioritize most competencies in the field of thinking skills and mental abilities. It can be concluded that human resources with traditional skills, in competition with robots and artificial intelligence for jobs, are not able to continue working and it is necessary to be equipped with new capabilities through skills training to be qualified to work in the current conditions.
Keywords: competence, work in the third millennium, mental skills, university graduates, employment
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: managing education in higher education
Received: 2021/11/14 | Accepted: 2022/05/10 | Published: 2022/07/1
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karimi M, Ahmadi S. Providing Competency Model of University Graduates for employment in the third millennium. MEO 2022; 11 (2) :109-133
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